Publication Ethics
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₹3,500.00Original price was: ₹3,500.00.₹3,100.00Current price is: ₹3,100.00. -
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Publication Ethics
Publication ethics refers to a wide range of rules and guidelines that influence an individual’s behaviour and way of thinking when publishing research. For the integrity, dependability, and credibility of the scientific research writing to be ensured, every scientific content creator in the field publication needs to adhere to ethical standards. All authors, editors, reviewers, and other associated members in the publication process are subject to publication ethics. The book’s material will adhere to COPE guidelines, regarding how to handle possible publication ethics transgressions.
The book’s submission rules must be adhered to by the authors.
Authorship and Contributorship
The author must fairly split the contributorship. The source of the information and content should be credited in full. In addition to having to include a statement of responsibility, authors must have contributed significantly to the work’s idea or design, data collection, analysis, and interpretation, as well as to the work’s drafting and significant revisions.
The book’s content should be pertinent, and the author should be affiliated with and have subject-matter knowledge in that particular field.
Originality and Plagiarism
Originality increases quality. Authors are required to provide original data, and original content to introduce new ideologies and concepts to readers and researchers who access their content Plagiarism is not acceptable including copyright, text ideas, images from another source, or even from your own published content without giving any credit to the source. To steal and pass off the ideas or words of another as one’s own, use another’s production without crediting the source” or “present as new and original an idea or product derived from an existing source”. We consider “self-plagiarism” as a form of plagiarism. Self-plagiarism would be when an author borrows from his or her own previously published work without the proper citation within the newly submitted manuscript. We use iThenticate software to check plagiarism.
Data Fabrication and Falsification
Any manipulation or alteration of the data presented in the form of tables, graphs, figures, findings, or outcomes is immediately regarded as data fabrication and falsification, which is not acceptable. The information offered in the book must be genuine, legitimate, and original. Data fabrication and plagiarism modification are prohibited. In order for other researchers to be able to duplicate the study, the data and methodologies utilized must be disclosed in sufficient detail in the publication.
To maximize the number of submissions, a single study shouldn’t be divided into multiple sections and submitted to multiple journals or just one.
The presentation of results must to be truthful and lucid, devoid of any data manipulation or falsification.
Conflict of Interest
It is the responsibility of the authors to declare any acknowledged financial or personal assistance or conflicts of interest and to decide how to represent or interpret the published study findings. The following are examples of possible conflicts of interest: work, advice, ownership, honoraria, patent application, testimony, etc. Any initiative receiving industry funding needs to pay close attention to the complete disclosure of sponsor involvement. If none, please indicate that the sponsors had no input in the study’s conception, implementation, acknowledgement, or composition. The manuscript should contain the conflicts/competing interest statement, which will be published in the final article. In the event that there are no conflicting interests, the author ought to say:
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
Copy-Editing Process
Manuscripts are sent to the copy editing process in which manuscripts copy will edited by the publication’s experienced editorial Team, Proof reading is also part of the copy editing process in which both the editorial team and authors will proof read it to rectify all the grammatical errors and spelling check before send to publication. Compile an index from these proofs if not already prepared.
Policy on Allegations and research misconduct
Innovative take care of policy on allegations and research misconduct on publication ethics and publication malpractice. We follow the code of conduct and best publication practices in scientific publication based on the guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), the World Association of Medical Editors (WAME), and the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (IJCME).